Press Release

Haynes Boone Recognized as Leader in Legal Diversity

November 02, 2023
The Leadership Council for Legal Diversity (LCLD) has recognized Haynes and Boone, LLP as a leader in inclusivity in the legal profession.

LCLD recognized Haynes Boone with its 2023 Compass Award, which honors law firms and corporations for their involvement in LCLD and the promotion of LCLD’s mission of an inclusive legal profession. LCLD includes more than 450 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners focusing on building a more equitable and diverse legal profession.

The Compass Award requires a firm or company to meet four key objectives. It must have a managing partner or general counsel take part in the organization. A firm also needs to nominate diverse and high-potential mid-career and early-career attorneys who will benefit from increased leadership and relationship-building training. Finally, a firm or corporation must offer mentorship or professional skills training for first-year law students.

“We are proud of our firm’s recognition by LCLD and continue to work to promote an inclusive workplace environment for all,” Sharon E. Jones, Haynes Boone’s chief DEI officer, said.

The Compass Award adds to Haynes Boone’s track record of improving inclusivity. In October, the firm achieved Mansfield Rule 6.0 certification for accomplishing more than a dozen key goals. This year it also received recognition from American Lawyer ranked Haynes Boone 21st in its Diversity Scorecard ranking of 228 American law firms.

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